港貓 hkmeow Hong Kong - Giftboox, 701 Hung Kei Building, 5-8, Queen Victoria Street, Central, Hong Kong.
If you still find a old store's cat in Hong Kong, hear people say Cantonese, and still have a bit freedom of creative space, please cherish ! Because it may be lost in future ... This is the reason why "港猫 hkmeow" created. They are so simple in their soul, easy to satisfy and not evil ...
如果你在香港還看見舖頭猫,聽到廣東話,還擁有些微創作空間的話,請好好珍惜!因為明天可能再找不到 ... 這是 "港猫 hkmeow" 創作的原因,亦是作者 hopkk 記憶中在不同階段出現過的港猫。他們的内心好單純,好易滿足,冇機心 ...
港貓 hkmeow is a group of 12 cats living in Hong Kong. They are ...
■ 01 - 肥妹 [fei4][mui6]; Fatty; 美國硬毛貓 (American Wirehair)
■ 02 - 花花 [fa1] [fa1]; Fa Fa; 日本短尾貓 (Japanese Bobtail)
■ 03 - 老虎仔 [lou5] [fu2] [jai2]; Little tiger; 波斯貓(Persian cat)
■ 04 - 番瓜 [faan1] [gwa1]; Pumpkin; 暹羅貓(Siamese cat)
■ 05 - 阿飛 [a3] [fei1]; Yuddy; 布偶貓 (ragdoll cat)
■ 06 - 薯仔 [syu4] [jai2]; Potato; 美國短毛貓(American Shorthair)
■ 07 - 番薯 [faan4] [syu4]; Batata; 英國短毛貓(British Shorthair)
■ 08 - 妹頭 [mui6] [tau4]; Little sister; 蘇格蘭摺耳貓 (Scottish Fold)
■ 09 - 螺絲釘 [lo4] [si1] [ding1/deng1]; Screw; 俄羅斯藍貓(Russian Blue)
■ 10 - 奶茶 [naai5] [cha4]; Milk Tea; 孟加拉貓(Bengal cat)
■ 11 - 叉燒 [cha1] [siu1]; Char Siew; 土耳其安哥拉貓(Turkey angora)
■ 12 - 克仔 [hak1] [jai2]; Bingo; 孟買貓(Bombay cat)
hkmeow / hopkkDOG is designed by Ho P.K. Kenneth (hopkk). If you want to find other hopkk products, please click the top left icon " ⋯ " , then click " by shop " to check all other "hopkk" products.
.......如果你在香港還看見舖頭猫,聽到廣東話,還擁有些微創作空間的話,請好好珍惜!因為明天可能再找不到 ... 這是 "港猫 hkmeow" 創作的原因,亦是作者 hopkk 記憶中在不同階段出現過的港猫。他們的内心好單純,好易滿足,冇機心 ...
港貓 hkmeow is a group of 12 cats living in Hong Kong. They are ...
■ 01 - 肥妹 [fei4][mui6]; Fatty; 美國硬毛貓 (American Wirehair)
■ 02 - 花花 [fa1] [fa1]; Fa Fa; 日本短尾貓 (Japanese Bobtail)
■ 03 - 老虎仔 [lou5] [fu2] [jai2]; Little tiger; 波斯貓(Persian cat)
■ 04 - 番瓜 [faan1] [gwa1]; Pumpkin; 暹羅貓(Siamese cat)
■ 05 - 阿飛 [a3] [fei1]; Yuddy; 布偶貓 (ragdoll cat)
■ 06 - 薯仔 [syu4] [jai2]; Potato; 美國短毛貓(American Shorthair)
■ 07 - 番薯 [faan4] [syu4]; Batata; 英國短毛貓(British Shorthair)
■ 08 - 妹頭 [mui6] [tau4]; Little sister; 蘇格蘭摺耳貓 (Scottish Fold)
■ 09 - 螺絲釘 [lo4] [si1] [ding1/deng1]; Screw; 俄羅斯藍貓(Russian Blue)
■ 10 - 奶茶 [naai5] [cha4]; Milk Tea; 孟加拉貓(Bengal cat)
■ 11 - 叉燒 [cha1] [siu1]; Char Siew; 土耳其安哥拉貓(Turkey angora)
■ 12 - 克仔 [hak1] [jai2]; Bingo; 孟買貓(Bombay cat)
hkmeow / hopkkDOG is designed by Ho P.K. Kenneth (hopkk). If you want to find other hopkk products, please click the top left icon " ⋯ " , then click " by shop " to check all other "hopkk" products.